The first time I met Justin Goff, it was about 3 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio at one of Brian Kurtz’s mastermind events.
Justin was one of the speakers, and he gave a great presentation about sales-boosting funnel tactics.
Things like simple order page tweaks that resulted in huge increases in conversions and revenue.
That evening, Brian hosted one of his famous Boardroom-style dinners for all the attendees and speakers. At these dinners, he “engineers” the seating chart to put people together who he think may have something in common or who may want to become potential business partners.
Well, that night I was seated next to Justin Goff.
And we had a fantastic conversation.
As it turns out, we had many things in common. At key points in our careers, we had both launched supplement businesses that grew to over $23 million in sales within the first few years.
We had both gone to college in Ohio (Justin went to Ohio State, and I went to Miami University–where one would often see t-shirts that said, “Miami is in Ohio, Dammit!”)
And we were both at a point in our careers where we’d enjoyed a great deal of success, but were in the process of figuring out what we wanted to do next.
In fact, after that dinner, Justin suggested we have a few calls where we could continue our conversation and help coach each other and provide a sounding board.
The calls we had were extremely helpful. And that kind of sums up who Justin is, in a nutshell.
He’s a very bright and successful guy who’s become a multi-millionaire by the age of 33, figuring things out along the way–but he’s as down to earth as they come.
He hasn’t forgotten where he came from. At one point, just over a decade ago, he was a month away from becoming broke and moving back in with his parents.
Since that time, Justin’s built 4 multi-million-dollar businesses… helped some of the biggest direct response companies like Golden Hippo, Agora Financial, VShred, and others make more sales… and been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazines.
So he’s the real deal. And he loves sharing his knowledge and experience to help others. He’s mentored many marketers and copywriters, taking some of them from $12-an-hour minimum wage jobs to hefty, six-figure-plus incomes.
Just as I wrote about in my P.S. yesterday, like Gary Bencivenga, Justin is a “giver”. He gives away a lot of value and expertise, so he can help lift others up behind him.
And that’s why I want to invite you to sign up for Justin’s daily emails, if you’re not already getting them.
Each day in his short and easy-to-digest emails, Justin shares business advice, marketing tactics, and much more.
And to welcome you to his list, Justin’s got a “Direct Response Millionaire” Blueprint he wants to give you. It’s totally free and there’s nothing for sale.
You can grab your copy here and start getting Justin’s packed-with-gold emails.
Even if you primarily write copy for clients, you’re going to glean a ton of valuable tactics and insights that could help your marketing campaigns and promos generate better results.
So be sure to check it out now, while you’re thinking of it!
Yours for smarter marketing,
P.S. Here’s a pic of Justin and me from Copy Chief Live in October 2019…seems like an eternity ago! Yes, he’s what ZZ Top might call a “Sharp-Dressed Man”. You can instantly download his blueprint and get on his list here.