Make them feel

Make them feel

Last night's Super Bowl ads reminded me of one of the most crucial rules of effective direct response copy. The ads that I paid attention to, the ones that resonated, the ones that I remembered -- or better yet, went to the websites for -- all had ONE thing in...

Boring is good

Boring is good

There's nothing like a snowy winter morning with frigid temperatures that keeps you ensconced in your warm, cozy house with a hot cup of java. There's nowhere to go and nothing to do (well, except watch the the Ravens suffer a pathetically fumbly loss to the Bills...

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Getting that first client & more

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Getting that first client & more

There are only 5 days until Christmas, so Santa Kim's quite busy getting ready. But I'm taking some time out to answer the last round of questions submitted by your fellow Copy Insiders. Let's get things rolling with this burning question from Edward Asanye, an...

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Finding retainer clients

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Finding retainer clients

"Santa Kim" is back at it this afternoon, answering some of the burning questions submitted by your fellow Copy Insiders (or perhaps even you, ). So let's get right to it -- it's going to be 5 o'clock somewhere before we know it! Copy Insider Nancy Bush is looking for...

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: How to stay curious

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: How to stay curious

As I mentioned in my email on Friday, I'm doing a feature this week and next called "Santa's Mailbag". And I'm taking some time out from the new mentoring program I'm planning (details coming soon) -- along with my never-ending holiday "to do" list -- to answer your...

Who else is in therapy because of their mom?

Who else is in therapy because of their mom?

Chances are you've heard how important it is to write copy that has a voice or a personality behind it. This is crucial for many reasons: 1) It helps differentiate your brand from the competition; 2) It helps build a relationship with your prospect or customer; and 3)...

Be more “brat”

Be more “brat”

You've been hearing "brat" everywhere... it's even been declared "brat summer"... And as you may know, it has nothing to do with being a misbehaved toddler (or an adult acting that way). I've looked at multiple definitions floating around for this word that's trending...

Common copy blunders you could be making

Common copy blunders you could be making

Today I'm going to talk about some of the most common blunders you could be making with your copy—no matter if you’re writing an email, sales page, Facebook ad, or any other type of promotion. These are response-killing blunders I see copywriters and business owners...

Your older audience is not what you think

Your older audience is not what you think

Ever since I got my first marketing job more than three decades ago, I've been working with products aimed at primarily an older audience -- mainly 60+ and older. My first marketing gig was with a major health insurer in their individual market division (direct to...

The man who cracked the guru code

The man who cracked the guru code

This afternoon I got sad news. The legendary founder of the publishing company I worked for before going freelance -- Tom Phillips -- passed away after a long illness. Tom started Phillips Publishing in 1974, in the converted garage of his home in Chevy Chase,...



Today I read an article that talked about the word "sweaty"... and it's something you never want to come across as with a prospective client. I'm not talking about actually sweating (what was that old deodorant ad? "Never let them see you sweat.") I'm talking about...

The $10,000 Sazerac

The $10,000 Sazerac

A few weeks ago, I woke up in the morning after having a weird dream. In my dream, I was in an upscale lounge in New Orleans. I went up to the bar and ordered a Sazerac -- a cocktail made with rye whiskey, absinthe, and other ingredients. It's a classic drink that...

Why most headlines fail

Why most headlines fail

Today's topic was inspired by a copy mentoring session I had with an agency owner from Scotland yesterday. He mentioned he'd been studying Gene Schwartz's classic book, Breakthrough Advertising -- a must-read for anyone who writes copy. If you use and apply this book...

Selling a lifestyle, not a product

Selling a lifestyle, not a product

Last week I was invited to a call to hear a talk by the President of Athletic Greens, also known as AG1. Athletic Greens, the maker of a nutrient-dense green drink, has skyrocketed its sales in recent years and become a leader in its niche. I decided to check out...

Mo’ clients, mo’ money

Mo’ clients, mo’ money

Hopefully you've been making merry this week as Christmas approaches. Unfortunately, it's been a tough week with my mom now in the ICU at the hospital... at my insistence she was moved there, due to some major failings with her care in the regular unit. Yet when...

Breaking the rules and finding what’s buzzing

Breaking the rules and finding what’s buzzing

It's now less than one week until Christmas. And Santa Kim's been busy! While I was able to avoid any more HOA drama yesterday, I did end up spending several hours at the hospital emergency room tending to my elderly mom. Turns out she's got the flu, and will need to...

Client bullies who belong on the “naughty” list

Client bullies who belong on the “naughty” list

"Santa's Mailbag" is back after a very busy few days. Between writing copy, endless Zoom meetings, and my annual physical yesterday... ...where my doctor told me my cholesterol numbers were the best she's ever seen out of all her patients (yes, I'm doing a cholesterol...

WTF with AI and my future career

WTF with AI and my future career

As I mentioned in my email yesterday, I'm doing a feature this week called "Santa's Mailbag". And I'm taking some time out from a client project I'm working on, a new mentoring program I'm planning, and my never-ending holiday "to do" list to answer your most burning...

Cooking up a great offer

Cooking up a great offer

Food is one of the essential needs of human life. But so many of us struggle with the eternal question that haunts us day after day: "What's for dinner?" As a result, a slew of done-for-you meal services have sprung out of nowhere in recent years... and they've...

A tale of two copywriters

A tale of two copywriters

Those of you who are familiar with the famous "A Tale of Two Young Men" letter written decades ago to sell a record-breaking number of Wall Street Journal subscriptions will recognize today's subject line. (I left out the "young" and "men" because I wanted to cast a...

13 best things people said at Copy Chief Live

13 best things people said at Copy Chief Live

The latter part of last week, Nashville was overtaken by a fearless band of copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs. They flew in from as far away as Australia and South Africa, and as close by as right down the road. And the results were EPIC. I've been to all 3...

AI wake-up call?

AI wake-up call?

A week ago today, I hopped on a Zoom call with a potential client. He's the President of a supplement business that does a lot of direct mail (still) and also sells its products online. I won't go into the details of what we discussed. However, it was the first time a...

Something to aspire to

Something to aspire to

Not long ago, I read something a well-known copywriter had put on his sales page for his mentoring group that rankled me a bit. It wasn't so much that I felt personally attacked--since it was so clearly wrong and inaccurate if in fact it was directed at me (and other...

How to critique your own copy

How to critique your own copy

There's one thing you can do on your own that can dramatically improve your copy. It's an underused tactic that once again became apparent to me during the last month. Each of the past four Wednesday's, I've hosted a Copy Mentoring Sprint call where I critique copy...