The Good, the Bad, and the Freaky

Jun 21, 2022

It’s been a while since I put out a fresh new issue of “What’s in Kim’s Mailbox”. But in the meantime, I’ve been collecting an array of direct mail and email promotions that have caught my eye (and not always in a positive way).

So to reward you for the long wait, I’ve got 3 short direct mail pieces we’re going to take a look at today.

One is quite GOOD… so good that I may well end up ordering from it…

One is so BAD, it completely misses the mark (for me, anyway)…

And one is just plain FREAKY! (honestly, the solution is rather scary)…

My copy critique “muscles” are in peak shape after the past few weeks as I wrap up my Fast Track to A-List mentoring group for this year. I’ve been on a massive, brutally honest roll as I’ve reviewed multiple email and promo copy submissions from my mentees…

Often I’m running on coffee fumes with an empty stomach. I’ve ended up doing unintentional intermittent fasting since, thanks to my new writing accountability group each morning, I’ve got my butt-in-chair at 7am each morning (usually using that time to work on my first screenplay)…

…and then finally grabbing a bite to eat around 11 or noon when the stomach roaring becomes impossible to ignore!

So I’ll have my copy critique game in FINE fighting form–which you can actually see me do LIVE–when I’m a guest on my friend and top A-List copywriter David Deutsch’s Inner Circle call this coming Thursday, June 23rd, at 1pm Eastern.

Yes, I’ll be side-by-side with David, critiquing all the copy that’s been submitted and giving suggestions, and often actual copy ideas, for improving it dramatically.

(You can join David’s Inner Circle here and have a chance to get your copy reviewed by David and I this Thursday if you act fast! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get not just one, but two A-List copywriters’ eyes on your copy.)

In any case, let’s take a quick look at the GOOD direct mail promo that landed in my mailbox… and I’ll tell you what I like about it. Here’s the front of this 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 tri-fold self-mailer…


It’s pretty clear it’s for a meal delivery service… and they likely got my name from one of the 3 or 4 different ones I’ve tried or currently use. Not only do the tasty food pictures look healthy and appealing, the bullets at the bottom immediately address any objections I may have about them right off.

When you open it up, there’s folded-in panel that shows people relaxing and enjoying their summer with copy that reads: Get the most out of your summer. Let us handle dinner. Visit today!

It’s straightforward and to the point… none of this cutesy or overly clever stuff that I see plague these Millennial-targeting promotions so frequently (I guess I pass for younger, lol…)

I’m not showing you every panel or else we’d be here all day, but let’s take a peek at part of the inside and you’ll see how the visuals and straight-forward copy work together to make the offer clear and compelling…


Again, the copy is tight and to the point, overcoming all objections. And the call to action is super clear, there’s a compelling offer, and it tells you EXACTLY what to do next. There’s even a QR code to make it even easier to do so.

My ONLY criticism would be that there’s no deadline for taking action… but that would probably raise costs to do custom print runs, etc. I only hope the special offer is still there when I get around to ordering!

Okay, next let’s look at the BAD direct mail promo I got for children’s clothing. It’s an oversized 6×9 postcard and, like most people, I look at the side where the addressing is first to see who it’s addressed to. Here’s what I see…