The truth about the new AI copywriting reality
Things have changed—a lot—since I first took the leap into freelance copywriting more than 25 years ago. Some for the better, some for the worse. But here’s an undeniable fact… there are more copywriters now than ever before. And now, with the emergence of...
The crucial trait that makes your copy better
Here's one of my past issues that can help you write more engaging, higher-converting copy... simply by focusing on developing ONE specific trait or skill: empathy. I was reminded of it--and this past issue I wrote more than 4 years ago--when I took my elderly mom to...
No, I'm not talking about a college basketball match-up... I'm talking about two of the most "famous" acronyms in copywriting and marketing. The first, USP, stands for "Unique Selling Proposition". The second, UM, stands for "Unique Mechanism". It's easy to get these...
Pearl(s) of wisdom
As of tomorrow it will be one week since my dog Pearl passed away. She was 14-and-a-half years old, and up until a few days before she died, she lived an active and healthy life. While that's a blessing, it still doesn't make it any easier. Working from home all these...
How to conquer the 4 Horsemen of bad writing
Today I'm pulling this dripping-with-copywriting-gold issue out of the vault. It's got some great things to share with you about writing ANY kind of copy. Whether you write mostly short copy like emails or long-form copy like sales pages and VSLs, you're going to...
The 1-hour headline secret [Promo breakdown]
After a brief, somewhat unintentional "sabbatical", I'm BACK, baby! Even better, I'm back at 'ya with a fresh new issue of "What's in Kim's Mailbox". I've been busy working on some cool new things, including a few client supplement promo projects... and planning my...
The annual obligatory “SB AD BD”
Yes, it's time for another long-awaited "What's in Kim's Mailbox". But in today's issue, I won't be looking at an ad or promo that landed in my inbox or mailbox. I'll be doing the annual, obligatory Super Bowl ad breakdown that you've come to expect from any...
Lessons from a “newbie”
Sometimes life gets busy. I've had my head deep into a few projects this week. So I haven't emailed you for a few days. (And if you didn't notice, forget I said anything!) One of those projects is my first-ever screenplay, which now feels like an eternity since I...
Put it in your rearview mirror
Hopefully I've helped you empty out your "mind trash" so far this week. Clearing out the mental garbage that's holding you back is crucial if you want to find your "happy place" in this crazy copywriting and direct marketing business... and in life. Because once you...
I love feedback
If you really, REALLY want to accelerate your climb up the copywriting ladder and ramp up the power of your copy... ...turn in first drafts that consistently wow your clients and smooth the path towards headache-free approval (and immediate re-bookings)... ...and reap...
Guts of Steel
As part of my re-commitment to my physical fitness, I've been exercising more lately. In fact, I've done a full-body strength training, an intense aerobic dance class, and an hour-and-a-half yoga class over the past 3 days. Then last night after yoga, I stopped to get...
Breaking the chains of writer’s block
Do any of these sound like you? “The problem I'm having right now is that I don't know what to write.” “It feels like my words aren't doing justice to my thoughts! I know I have great ideas and content but it's somehow so difficult to write it down the same way it's...
#1 skill for handling clients like a boss
Freelance copywriting often seems more challenging than ever these days. Between the gazillions of copywriters you're competing with, and the advent of Chat-GPT and more sophisticated AI tools on the horizon, it may seem like it's harder than ever to launch and...
Ode to sh*tty clients
Yesterday I had my first mentoring session with one of my new copy mentees, who's fairly new to copywriting. I also had a great interview with Troy Ericson for his "Secrets of Scale" podcast. (I'll share it when it goes live.) Even though both conversations were quite...
Best subject lines of 2022
All too often, I see copywriters give short shrift to their email subject lines. But they are right up there with headlines in terms of their importance in getting your copy read. And if your copy isn't read, it can't be acted on... and thus, no sales, leads, or...
Human vs. robot copywriting
It's hard to believe we're just 5 days from Christmas! Whether you celebrate or not, hopefully you'll be taking some time off to spend with family or friends... and reflect on your goals for the coming year. I'm looking forward to both of my young adult children being...
The copywriter of the future
Everyone's talking about the latest AI tools (like ChatGPT and the next generation GPT-4 that should be out in 2023). Some are going "googly-eyed" over AI's capabilities and how it will replace what copywriters do... others are "pooh-pooh"-ing it and claiming it's not...
I sent vitamins to Mick Jagger
This is the last day this week that I'll be sending you one of my favorite past Copy Insiders and "What's in Kim's Mailbox" issues. It's got a funny story from back when I was running a $23-million-a-year supplement business while in my early 30s. And some key...
Get your money for nothin’ and your checks for free
Today I'm sending you a Copy Insiders and "What's in Kim's Mailbox" flashback issue. It's one I wrote 3+ years ago on my birthday. There's a valuable and widely-applicable lesson here you can use to really go deep into your prospect's head. In looking back, there's...
Gross is BACK, baby!
Direct mail can be a great source of inspiration for successful online sales pages and video sales letters (VSLs). In fact, many of the best-performing sales pages you'll fine online right now in the supplement niche were originally written as direct mail magalogs,...
“Do-it-yourself” copywriting training
Becoming a "great" copywriter is something many beginning and up-and-coming copywriters aspire to. And while everyone's definition of "great" may vary in terms of what their goals are, the path to greatness is often the same. It's being dedicated to continuous...
“Method acting” and winning sales copy
As you nurse your Halloween candy "hangover", perhaps your stomach is churning as you read this email. Well, like I talked about in the interview I did with Glenn Fisher and Nick O'Connor (a snippet of which I shared with you yesterday), it's a great way to...
You need this but don’t get enough of it
The past month of so I've been sending you some of my most popular past issues. That's because I was on a much-needed break that included a 3-week vacation. It was a fairly active but well-paced trip, starting with a few cold, rainy days in Munich for Oktoberfest (it...
How to use “pre-suasion” in your copy
About four years ago while attending the huge digital marketing event, Traffic and Conversion Summit, I saw a “fireside chat” onstage with Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the classic book on marketing psychology, Influence, and his more recent Pre-suasion. There were...