What Jessica saw in Roger Rabbit…and how to use it in copy

What Jessica saw in Roger Rabbit…and how to use it in copy

Many years ago a movie called "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" featured a mismatched couple: the glamorous Jessica and somewhat dorky Roger Rabbit. One of the famous lines associated with Jessica's character is this: "I'm not bad...I'm just drawn that way." But there's...

Responsibility is a heavy responsibility

Responsibility is a heavy responsibility

I've heard from so many copywriters about their struggles with "Imposter Syndrome"... the feeling that others (their clients) will figure out that they're some kind of fraud. It shocks me how I hear this from successful copywriters even at the highest levels... heck,...

Little orange pills

Little orange pills

Issue #159--July 19, 2022 In celebration of my milestone birthday just over a week ago (yes, the big 6-0, holy crap), I'm taking a trip down memory lane... I'm sharing some of my earliest memories, and tying each one to a copywriting or marketing lesson you can apply...

“Beach body ready”? Not today, Satan!

“Beach body ready”? Not today, Satan!

In recent years it's felt like we're making some strides with how women are portrayed in advertising. But an email that landed in my inbox yesterday made me start to doubt that, at least initially. It made me flash back to 2015, when a huge billboard portraying a...

How to bash other products effectively (while elevating your own)

How to bash other products effectively (while elevating your own)

Issue #158 Whether you're a seasoned marketer or wet-behind-the-ears copywriter, chances are you've heard about the importance of figuring out what stage of market sophistication your product or service is in. It's a crucial part of my research process that I cover...

The Good, the Bad, and the Freaky

The Good, the Bad, and the Freaky

It's been a while since I put out a fresh new issue of "What's in Kim's Mailbox". But in the meantime, I've been collecting an array of direct mail and email promotions that have caught my eye (and not always in a positive way). So to reward you for the long wait,...

The two most important parts of any promo

The two most important parts of any promo

Issue #157 In today's issue, I'm going to be summarizing the very best tidbits of copywriting "gold" I dropped last week--just in case you missed them. These tips and tactics are sure to help you with the two most important parts of any promo... plus give you an idea...

Fights, card tricks, and popcorn (oh, my!)

Fights, card tricks, and popcorn (oh, my!)

Every once in a while I have one of my Fast Track to A-List copywriting mentees take over the helm and write a guest issue. And today we're hearing from Cain Smith... a copywriter from Manchester, England. He's been freelancing for more than 3 years and earlier this...

The ad I wish hadn’t worked

The ad I wish hadn’t worked

I hated this ad I saw the other day. I hated it SO much that I reached out to my client, the president of the company who had sent it to his list as an affiliate offer. This ad represented, to me, one of the worst cases of preying on women's insecurities to sell them...

The case against “hype run amok”

The case against “hype run amok”

So your product spokesperson hasn't made the New York Times bestselling list. They haven't been quoted in any major media. They're nowhere near being considered a "household name" or well-recognized expert. But guess what? It doesn't matter... One of the most...

How to break copywriting rules like an artist…

How to break copywriting rules like an artist…

Scripts. Templates. Formulas. God help 'em, people LOVE them! They promise to make copywriting easier... faster... surer. They're like their own "unique mechanism" that gives you some sort of edge or shortcut.  Just like many of the folks I've marketed supplements to...

“Long or short?” Two hair-raising breakdowns…

“Long or short?” Two hair-raising breakdowns…

I'll never forget when I was working my first job out of college and living in Washington, DC. At least half my take-home pay went towards my share of a cockroach-infested Connecticut Avenue apartment. The rest had to cover groceries (what groceries? the fridge never...

Surprising secret to my copywriting success

Surprising secret to my copywriting success

Over the past few decades as a freelance copywriter, I've racked up a lot of big winners. I'm talking about dozens of successful controls, some of which ran for as long as 11 years (in fact, that one still's running)... and I've even beaten some legendary names along...

The cure for client jacka*sery

The cure for client jacka*sery

I've been talking a lot about "mansplaining" lately, but that's far from the worst thing that happens to both women and men when we're dealing with clients... There's a lengthy list of bad behavior, costly hassles, and other shenanigans that can make your freelancing...

I got you

I got you

I may well be the only copywriter or marketer on the planet who hasn't emailed their audience with some kind of reference to the slapping incident on last Sunday night's Oscars show. And at this point, not only am I personally sick of hearing about it (as I'm sure you...

Zero Jerk Tolerance

Zero Jerk Tolerance

Well, my email earlier today ("(Wo)mansplaining 101") set off a firestorm... Heck, it even triggered 5 dudes into unsubscribing! (Buh-bye, snowflakes!) Seriously though, it's such a universal experience for women... and not just limited to women... to have often...

(Wo)mansplaining 101

(Wo)mansplaining 101

Ask any woman, and she'll tell you it's happened to her... Not just once or a few times, but countless times... to the point that it almost seems "normal" to have to constantly deal with thinly-veiled put-downs and annoying behavior, no matter how much experience you...

I felt so betrayed… and then I fought back

I felt so betrayed… and then I fought back

When I was 7 years old, my family spent the summer living temporarily in an apartment complex on Santa Rosa Island near Fort Walton Beach, Florida. My father was working on a radar project at a major air force base nearby. My brothers and I spent many a hot summer day...

All by myself (don’t wanna be…)

All by myself (don’t wanna be…)

Issue #154 When I moved to Ohio from Florida as a 14-year-old, having left behind my first boyfriend and needing to make a new group of friends all over again, I used some of my spare time to reacquaint myself with my piano and teach myself some new songs. One of...

Gurus, prognosticators, and other people to ignore

Gurus, prognosticators, and other people to ignore

Issue #153                                             I just got back last night from Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi's Copy Accelerator event in Tampa. It was wonderful to be back at a live copywriter event in person and see and meet so many great people. Several of...

How to torture your teenage children

How to torture your teenage children

Issue #152—February 25, 2022                                                This morning Ben Settle sent out an email to his list recounting how I once tortured my two teenage children five years ago with one of his notorious "Valentine's" issues of Email Players. As...

What a Prince song can teach you about getting your copy read

What a Prince song can teach you about getting your copy read

I may be showing my age, but I remember at least a few decades ago when a certain song by the late legendary musician Prince came out. And in today's issue, I'm going to show you how this song can significantly boost the chances that your emails, sales pages, VSLs,...

Good emails 👍

Good emails 👍

Earlier this week I talked about "bad emails". Specifically, I shared some lame efforts to sell a male potency supplement that I got a peek at when someone hacked my email while I was in Italy. (If you overlooked it in your email inbox, go back and take a look so you...

Lies, d*mned lies, and statistics…

Lies, d*mned lies, and statistics…

What's in Kim's Mailbox? As Mark Twain put it, "Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are much more pliable." Twain is also credited with saying, "There are 3 types of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics." As copywriters, we are obligated to stick to the facts...