Boring is good

Boring is good

There’s nothing like a snowy winter morning with frigid temperatures that keeps you ensconced in your warm, cozy house with a hot cup of java. There’s nowhere to go and nothing to do (well, except watch the the Ravens suffer a pathetically fumbly loss to...
🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Getting that first client & more

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Getting that first client & more

There are only 5 days until Christmas, so Santa Kim’s quite busy getting ready. But I’m taking some time out to answer the last round of questions submitted by your fellow Copy Insiders. Let’s get things rolling with this burning question from Edward...
🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Finding retainer clients

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: Finding retainer clients

“Santa Kim” is back at it this afternoon, answering some of the burning questions submitted by your fellow Copy Insiders (or perhaps even you, ). So let’s get right to it — it’s going to be 5 o’clock somewhere before we know it!...
🎅Santa’s Mailbag: How to stay curious

🎅Santa’s Mailbag: How to stay curious

As I mentioned in my email on Friday, I’m doing a feature this week and next called “Santa’s Mailbag”. And I’m taking some time out from the new mentoring program I’m planning (details coming soon) — along with my never-ending...
Who else is in therapy because of their mom?

Who else is in therapy because of their mom?

Chances are you’ve heard how important it is to write copy that has a voice or a personality behind it. This is crucial for many reasons: 1) It helps differentiate your brand from the competition; 2) It helps build a relationship with your prospect or customer;...
Be more “brat”

Be more “brat”

You’ve been hearing “brat” everywhere… it’s even been declared “brat summer”… And as you may know, it has nothing to do with being a misbehaved toddler (or an adult acting that way). I’ve looked at multiple...