Gary Bencivenga’s 10 maxims for copywriting and marketing success

Gary Bencivenga’s 10 maxims for copywriting and marketing success

The legions of lessons from the epic Clayton Makepeace tribute event this past Thursday continue. And as promised, I'm going to attempt to sum up the 10 brilliant copywriting and marketing maxims that the legendary Gary Bencivenga shared at the event. So let's get...

Lessons from 15 direct response giants

Lessons from 15 direct response giants

Issue #123—March 19, 2021 Yesterday's Clayton Makepeace tribute event was epic...I hope you were there to hear it. (If you weren't, or weren't able to stay for all of it, I hear that Carline Anglade-Cole...who put on this amazing tribute event...will be making the...

Kicked out of “Charm School”?

Kicked out of “Charm School”?

Back when I was a freshman in high school, my well-meaning parents signed me up for "Charm School". Maybe they thought my propensity for being "blunt" needed to be curtailed...or they wanted me to be more of a "girly" girl, having grown up with brothers...or they...

Once a snob, always a snob

Once a snob, always a snob

Issue #121—March 5, 2021 This morning while sipping my coffee I got distracted with vacation planning. It's my favorite thing to do, as I've mentioned before. We're planning to stay for a few nights in a beach town in North Carolina to attend a friend's wedding one...

Drumming first thing every morning

Drumming first thing every morning

If you're a copywriter looking to speed your way to the top...or increase your earnings, decrease your client "headaches", and live the lifestyle you want...then you're not going to want to miss this second set of tips from the "Good Advice Gal" herself. (If you...

It’s a long slog to the top (or is it?)

It’s a long slog to the top (or is it?)

This morning was one of the first mornings in a while where there hasn't been snow or ice on the roads preventing me from getting my workout done first thing. It was a "no excuses" kind of I hit the gym to squeeze in some cardio and strength training. As...

The “Rodney Dangerfield” of copywriting

The “Rodney Dangerfield” of copywriting

Issue #120—February 19, 2021 Emails may well be the "Rodney Dangerfield" of copywriting. They just get no respect. And by respect I mean, many companies don't value them as much as they should. When I hear the paltry fees some clients want to pay copywriters who write...

Can’t sleep? (What’s in Kim’s Mailbox to the rescue!)

Can’t sleep? (What’s in Kim’s Mailbox to the rescue!)

What's in Kim's Mailbox? After Sunday night's Super Bowl game, I didn't have any trouble drifting off to dreamland. It wasn't that exciting of a game, after least the second half. It got a bit boring (and sad) watching Patrick Mahomes get knocked about like a...

WWGD (What Would Gene Do?)

WWGD (What Would Gene Do?)

Issue #119—February 5, 2021 Gene Schwartz's book, Breakthrough Advertising, is one of the greatest books ever written on copywriting and positioning. It galls me that it was never once mentioned when I went through my MBA program in marketing (and likely still isn't)....

“Danger! Will Robinson” (on taking that full-time gig…)

“Danger! Will Robinson” (on taking that full-time gig…)

Distractions, distractions. That sums up my day today, which is why I'm getting this issue out to you so late. Today's topic is something I haven't covered much before...but often comes up in copywriting and mastermind groups I'm in as well as in my mentoring...

This week’s Copy Insiders: Eva, can I see bees in a cave?

This week’s Copy Insiders: Eva, can I see bees in a cave?

We made it! It's Friday...and it's already the 22nd of the month. We're nearing the middle of a 10-day palindrome streak, too (that's when the dates read the same backwards and forwards). In fact, in honor of this rare palindrome streak, I've selected an obscure and...

How being a “newbie” again makes you a better copywriter

How being a “newbie” again makes you a better copywriter

Last night I had my second weekly Thursday night class on Comedy Sketch Writing. The classes are on Zoom, of course, and incorporate a lot of Improv games and other exercises. We also have "homework" to do, which I scrambled to finish at the last possible minute while...

How to close like a Girl Scout cookie seller

How to close like a Girl Scout cookie seller

It's that time of year here in the U.S. when we're constantly tempted by the devilish deliciousness of Girl Scout cookies. All over suburbia, we're besieged by ridiculously adorable young girls either knocking on doors taking cookie orders...or sitting at tables...

The “prince of paradox” secret to believability

The “prince of paradox” secret to believability

What's in Kim's Mailbox? As we shut (or shall we say SLAM) the door on 2020, I'm breaking down a "poop-y" promo that keeps showing up in my email inbox. So here's Part 2 of the "What's in Kim's Mailbox" issue I sent you yesterday afternoon. Let's see...where did we...

Am I really in such grave danger?

Am I really in such grave danger?

What's in Kim's Mailbox? I'll never forget having the privilege of spending a full day listening to the legendary Gene Schwartz breaking down his process for creating breakthrough promotions. I was in the same room as about 30 other Phillips Publishing marketers,...

Santa’s Mailbag: Headlines, champagne, and my younger self

Santa’s Mailbag: Headlines, champagne, and my younger self

Well, what a busy weekend for Santa! After busily sending out three "Clayton-palooza" emails packed with copywriting "gold" on Friday (if you missed them, I'll have them up on my blog soon at, it was time to finally get ready for Christmas....