“Do-it-yourself” copywriting training

“Do-it-yourself” copywriting training

Becoming a “great” copywriter is something many beginning and up-and-coming copywriters aspire to. And while everyone’s definition of “great” may vary in terms of what their goals are, the path to greatness is often the same. It’s...
“Method acting” and winning sales copy

“Method acting” and winning sales copy

As you nurse your Halloween candy “hangover”, perhaps your stomach is churning as you read this email.  Well, like I talked about in the interview I did with Glenn Fisher and Nick O’Connor (a snippet of which I shared with you yesterday), it’s...
You need this but don’t get enough of it

You need this but don’t get enough of it

The past month of so I’ve been sending you some of my most popular past issues. That’s because I was on a much-needed break that included a 3-week vacation. It was a fairly active but well-paced trip, starting with a few cold, rainy days in Munich for...
How to use “pre-suasion” in your copy

How to use “pre-suasion” in your copy

About four years ago while attending the huge digital marketing event, Traffic and Conversion Summit, I saw a “fireside chat” onstage with Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the classic book on marketing psychology, Influence, and his more recent Pre-suasion. There were...
I’m just feeding you a bunch of lines

I’m just feeding you a bunch of lines

Right now I’m thinking of a variation on the classic Gary Bencivenga headline for a financial newsletter promotion many years ago… Lies! Lies! Lies! But instead, this particular headline would be… Lines! Lines! Lines! What kind of lines, you ask?...