Breaking the rules and finding what’s buzzing

Breaking the rules and finding what’s buzzing

It’s now less than one week until Christmas. And Santa Kim’s been busy! While I was able to avoid any more HOA drama yesterday, I did end up spending several hours at the hospital emergency room tending to my elderly mom. Turns out she’s got the flu,...
Client bullies who belong on the “naughty” list

Client bullies who belong on the “naughty” list

“Santa’s Mailbag” is back after a very busy few days. Between writing copy, endless Zoom meetings, and my annual physical yesterday… …where my doctor told me my cholesterol numbers were the best she’s ever seen out of all her...
WTF with AI and my future career

WTF with AI and my future career

As I mentioned in my email yesterday, I’m doing a feature this week called “Santa’s Mailbag”. And I’m taking some time out from a client project I’m working on, a new mentoring program I’m planning, and my never-ending holiday...
Cooking up a great offer

Cooking up a great offer

Food is one of the essential needs of human life. But so many of us struggle with the eternal question that haunts us day after day: “What’s for dinner?” As a result, a slew of done-for-you meal services have sprung out of nowhere in recent...
A tale of two copywriters

A tale of two copywriters

Those of you who are familiar with the famous “A Tale of Two Young Men” letter written decades ago to sell a record-breaking number of Wall Street Journal subscriptions will recognize today’s subject line. (I left out the “young” and...