The copywriter of the future

The copywriter of the future

Everyone’s talking about the latest AI tools (like ChatGPT and the next generation GPT-4 that should be out in 2023). Some are going “googly-eyed” over AI’s capabilities and how it will replace what copywriters do… others are...
How to give yourself your own “big break”

How to give yourself your own “big break”

It can feel like successful copywriters appear overnight, with social media having us believe people go from zero to hero in the blink of an eye.  This mirage can – unfortunately – beat down the positive ambition in even the most optimistic of people. The...
I sent vitamins to Mick Jagger

I sent vitamins to Mick Jagger

This is the last day this week that I’ll be sending you one of my favorite past Copy Insiders and “What’s in Kim’s Mailbox” issues. It’s got a funny story from back when I was running a $23-million-a-year supplement business while...
Gross is BACK, baby!

Gross is BACK, baby!

Direct mail can be a great source of inspiration for successful online sales pages and video sales letters (VSLs). In fact, many of the best-performing sales pages you’ll fine online right now in the supplement niche were originally written as direct mail...