#1 skill for handling clients like a boss

#1 skill for handling clients like a boss

Freelance copywriting often seems more challenging than ever these days. Between the gazillions of copywriters you’re competing with, and the advent of Chat-GPT and more sophisticated AI tools on the horizon, it may seem like it’s harder than ever to...
Ode to sh*tty clients

Ode to sh*tty clients

Yesterday I had my first mentoring session with one of my new copy mentees, who’s fairly new to copywriting. I also had a great interview with Troy Ericson for his “Secrets of Scale” podcast. (I’ll share it when it goes live.) Even though both...
Best subject lines of 2022

Best subject lines of 2022

All too often, I see copywriters give short shrift to their email subject lines. But they are right up there with headlines in terms of their importance in getting your copy read. And if your copy isn’t read, it can’t be acted on… and thus, no sales,...
Human vs. robot copywriting

Human vs. robot copywriting

It’s hard to believe we’re just 5 days from Christmas! Whether you celebrate or not, hopefully you’ll be taking some time off to spend with family or friends… and reflect on your goals for the coming year. I’m looking forward to both of...
The copywriter of the future

The copywriter of the future

Everyone’s talking about the latest AI tools (like ChatGPT and the next generation GPT-4 that should be out in 2023). Some are going “googly-eyed” over AI’s capabilities and how it will replace what copywriters do… others are...
I sent vitamins to Mick Jagger

I sent vitamins to Mick Jagger

This is the last day this week that I’ll be sending you one of my favorite past Copy Insiders and “What’s in Kim’s Mailbox” issues. It’s got a funny story from back when I was running a $23-million-a-year supplement business while...