7 MORE types of sales-boosting sidebars

7 MORE types of sales-boosting sidebars

Issue #140 Yesterday I sent you my first all-new Copy Insiders issue in a while… and it was all about something many up-and-coming copywriters have little experience with: SIDEBARS! I explained WHY you should master the art of writing sidebars… and how to...
A mini-master class on the lost art of THIS copy…

A mini-master class on the lost art of THIS copy…

Issue #139 Perhaps you’ve mastered how to write killer headlines… sizzling-hot emails… powerful leads… intriguing bullets… and persuasive closes. But if you’re like many copywriters who cut their teeth strictly on online platforms,...
The profound idiocy of seeing customer service as an expense

The profound idiocy of seeing customer service as an expense

Issue #138—August 27, 2021 Yesterday as I was driving to Baltimore to help my daughter with her move, I spent nearly a half hour on the phone with U-Haul in order to get a few last-minute questions answered. Most of that time I spent on hold, forced to listen to an...
The “one night stand” approach to sales

The “one night stand” approach to sales

Yesterday I wrote about how to upsell and cross-sell from a place of service… And not as if the initial sales transaction was a “one night stand” where you tried to milk as much sales out of that first interaction as possible…potentially...
How to upsell and cross-sell from a place of service

How to upsell and cross-sell from a place of service

In this funnel-crazed era, people often forget the basics behind upselling and cross-selling. Let’s face it. Acquiring a customer is hard. It’s expensive, too. But the lifetime value of that customer could be hundreds if not thousands of dollars…if you do...