Good emails 👍

Good emails 👍

Earlier this week I talked about “bad emails”. Specifically, I shared some lame efforts to sell a male potency supplement that I got a peek at when someone hacked my email while I was in Italy. (If you overlooked it in your email inbox, go back and take a...
Lies, d*mned lies, and statistics…

Lies, d*mned lies, and statistics…

What’s in Kim’s Mailbox? As Mark Twain put it, “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are much more pliable.” Twain is also credited with saying, “There are 3 types of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” As copywriters, we...
The power of curiosity and playing “hard to get”

The power of curiosity and playing “hard to get”

Issue #151 Kids today are missing out on SO many things… One of them is the joy of passing notes during class. Back when I was young, passing notes in class was the ONLY way to get a message to a classmate or have a “private” conversation while the...
“Mistaken beliefs” about getting clients

“Mistaken beliefs” about getting clients

Issue #150 Sometimes I briefly hop onto Facebook and see what some folks are posting on their feed or in copywriting groups, and I get downright annoyed. A common reaction for sure when it comes to social media. But in this case, it was a young man I know who’s...
How to stop worrying about money

How to stop worrying about money

Issue #149 When our two young adult children were kids, my husband used to say to them, “When you grow up, you can do anything you want. But being poor sucks.” If you find yourself constantly going through “feast or famine” cycles with your...